
Thursday 3 March 2011

Time for Mozzarella!!!

Ok, since the ricotta turned out so well, I really got excited and wanted to try Mozzarella. The difference with ricotta is that you actually need rennet to make the curds. Mozzarella is heated at a way lower temperature (90F) therefore needs help to separate the curds.

Tricky thing and thank god for google: Where to get rennet in Madrid. AT THE PHARMACY! Seriously. Found the answer on some forums and decided to try my shoot at the pharmacy close to my house. She actually had to order it since she didn't have in stock (I guess there aren't that many freakies like me looking to make cheese lol). David went to get it today so I had all of my ingredients to make some more cheese! Well, except the milk. That was quickly taken care of on our evening walk with Santo. See, we have this cow 10 mins away by walk that gives us milk. Seriously! Milk from the Sierra de Madrid. Ok, well it's not a cow, but sure does look like one! Fresh milk from Madrid cheaper than at the store and we help protect the environment (gas to bring the milk from the North of Spain).

Here is our little machine:

Ok, so let's get cheesing!



2 liters of milk
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/8 tsp rennet

Pour milk and lemon juice in a large pot.

Heat slowly to 90F and remove from heat.

Add 1/8 tsp rennet diluted in 1/8 cup of cold water (let rest 30 sec for effect), stir lightly. Cover and let rest for 5 mins.

Check is the consistency is good (can see whey if you move a bit the curds)

Using a large knife, cut 1 inch square

Reheat until liquid reaches 110F while stirring slowly.

Remove from heat and let sit for 5 mins.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer the curds into a colander (with a bowl under it)

By moving the curds around, get rid of the excess whey

Heat in the microwave for 40 sec (recipe called for 1 min but it was BURNING hot!)

Knead like bread dough

It will become very stretchy. If not stretchy, return to microwave.

Knead into a nice little ball and done! Mozzarella!

Bed time now, will let you know how to results actually taste :)

Ok, so update. The texture was great and melted perfectly. My only downpoint it had a lemon taste. I guess that since you do not heat the milk as high was with the ricotta, you can actually taste the lemon a lot more. Mind you, it is not an unpleasant taste and did not ruin it, but I prefer my mozzarella to not taste lemony. So next time, I'll use Citric Acid when I find some :)


  1. Ca a l'air bon! :P
    Gab & Kat

  2. Salut Gab et Kat! Si vous voulez on peut en faire le mois prochain. C'est pas mal facile :)
    A bientot!
