
Wednesday 4 January 2012

After more than a month, time to catch up!

Life has been pretty hectic lately. Let's just say that managing full time job, full time MBA and full time wife can be quite challenging. I also went on a lovely vacation week with 2 of my really good friends to Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava and Prague in December (post to come later) and then holidays came rolling in with the parties, suppers, dinners, cooking, going over... You all know the drift!

Well, I'm back! Since David went to visit his grandma for her birthday, I decided to take advantage of my before last day without class to: update my blog!

I have these recipes saved up from a few months ago (insert shame look here). 2012 resolution: Do not get backtracked on recipes (or not for long at least). Many things will be happening in 2012 that will change the course of our lives and I want at least a few things to remain :).

David also surprised me with our little new baby brother for Santo (for those late in the news, Santo was killed on our holiday to La Manga last September as he was hit by a car on a pedestrian walk next to David): Alas. More to come on him as he grows up and learns to cohabit with us :) A little ball of fur wonder and energy!

So here goes another seafood meal. I used a few elements that I had never cooked with before: Knives, very similar to clams but long and necoras, small crabs. Just couldn't resist the great prices at the market :)

Navajas (Knives)


1kg navajas
2 garlic cloves
lemon juice

In a large bowl, rinse and let rest the navajas in cold water (to remove the extra sand).


In a small bowl, mix the garlic, oil, lemon juice and parsley together.

In a pan, heat a bit of oil. When ready, add the navajas. They will open fairly quickly with the heat. As they cook, add some of the mixture.

Remove from the pan when all have opened. If you have some extra mixture, add it to the dish as well as the pan juices.

Serve hot

Arroz con necoras y gambas (Small crab and shrimp rice)


1kg necoras
200grs shrimps
2 green peppers
1 leek
2 garlic cloves
2 cups round rice
5 cups broth
2 bay leaves
2 tbsps paprika
salt and pepper

First, let's prepare the necoras. Look at those!

In a large pot, heat some water. When boiling, add salt and bay leaves. Add the necoras.

Cook for about 10 minutes.

Remove from the water.

In the meantime, dice the pepper, leek and garlic.

Using a large pan or paellera, heat some oil.

When ready, add the veggies.

Sweat for a few minutes.

Add the shrimps and paprika.

Add the broth (I used the necoras water miam!) and rice.

When boiling, add the necoras. I sliced mine in halves so it would be easier to plate since I had so many!

Cook until the broth is almost absorbed fully. Remove from heat and cover with paper for 5 minutes.

All ready to eat and awesome presentation.

And the other side of the plate where we can actually see some rice ;)

Buen provecho!

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